2024 NAGARA Annual Conference: Call for Session Proposals



NAGARA members have many experiences, guidance, and stories to share, and we want to hear from you at the 2024 NAGARA Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia next July! We’re looking to mix it up by including a variety of session offerings: Panel/Roundtable presentations; Interactive sessions (get people out of their seats!); Campfire sessions; Speed Presenting/Pecha Kucha sessions; and other FUN formats!


The Annual Conference Program Committee encourages applicants from ALL levels of government, backgrounds, and experiences to submit a session proposal for next year's conference. While all topics and subjects are desired and welcomed, get your creativity going by considering some of these hot topics, which members have expressed a desire to learn more about:


  • Archives Community Outreach
  • Development of Policies, Standards, Workflows, and Tools
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Archives and Records Programs
  • Developing and Launching RIM Programs (working with a limiting budget and low maturity)
  • Electronic Records Preservation and Access
  • Intellectual Property (IP) and Copyright Concerns
  • Managing SharePoint and/or Shared Drives
  • Microsoft 365 (implementation, labels, policies, retention, etc.)
  • NARA’s Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI) or the Dept. of Defense Manual 8180.01 Requirements
  • Privacy and Ethics in Archives
When submitting a conference session proposal, please consider how it:


  • Informs: Tell the audience about a topic in order to transfer knowledge.
  • Improves: Provide the audience with new knowledge that can be applied.
  • Inspires: Energize the audience with innovative ideas.
  • Involves: Include the audience, the profession, and our users.


 The 2024 Annual Conference Program Committee will evaluate proposals relative to these questions:


  • Is the proposal complete? How strong is it?
  • What special expertise/background do the speakers bring to the subject matter?
  • What concrete takeaways (usable knowledge and tools) will your presentation offer?
  • Is the proposal relevant to NAGARA’s membership?
  • Does the proposal address NAGARA’s goal of increasing diversity of experience, opinion, background, expertise, and thought?


The 2024 NAGARA Annual Conference will be an in-person event only. Government information professionals who participate in the program must register for and attend the conference in person. To offset costs, NAGARA will provide session presenters with a 25% registration discount.


Proposal submissions are due Friday, January 12, 2024.





NAGARA is a professional non-profit association located in Washington, D.C. dedicated to the improvement of federal, state, and local government archives, records, and information management and the professional development of government records administrators and archivists. NAGARA represents over 1,800 members spanning county, municipal, and special district governments, state agencies (state records centers, archives and libraries), the National Archives and Records Administration; federal agencies and employees; public universities, and a number of provincial and institutional programs.