AC22 | Session 16

"Gearing Up To Modernize Public Records Processing"


OVERVIEW: Public Records are 176% more complex than they were in Q1 2018 — that’s according to the latest Peers in Public Records Index (PiPRIndex) data. Information has gone wild - with rapidly changing transparency legislation and a constant stream of new record types, release/retention schedules, and exemption law updates. The public records compass is spinning — No wonder you’re exhausted!

Join us to explore the latest public records data, best practices, and tips from the field. We’ll share essential skills needed to keep up with public expectations of state and local government information sharing. It’s time to sunset outdated processes and welcome the new path for public records.

Hear how others have embraced change management. Take home these fundamentals:

Data to support urgency of action (recent changes to the public record landscape)
Proof of increasing data governance load: new file types (email, chat, video, social) and the expansion of public record type classifications across the U.S.
Tech solutions for retention schedules, email search/de-duplication, and using AI for video redaction
Better understanding of OCR ingestion, your document workspace, and the role of paper in a post-pandemic word
Templates for securing stakeholder buy-in and tech funding
What current trends tell us about your timeline for action
Actionable steps to reduce backlog while improving compliance and community relations

GARA CERTIFICATE COMPETENCIES: "Records and Information Management Basics" OR "Electronic Records and Information Management"

PRESENTERS: Cindi Mansell, Former Salt Lake City Clerk / Records & Information Manager, Rosemary Cundiff, Utah State Records Ombudsman, and Tom Heraldson, Member, Utah State Records Committee