AC24 | Session 02

"A Lever Long Enough: Oregon’s Path to Systematic E-Communications Retention in M365"


OVERVIEW: Since 2020, the Oregon State Archives has been working with statewide IT to implement systematic role-based retention for electronic communications in state government within Microsoft 365. After two years of planning, the Oregon State Archives began the official rollout process in early 2023, and by early 2024 will have a couple dozen using automated retention policies. Far from a simple technology initiative, this process has required a multi-disciplinary approach, incorporating traditional records management and retention scheduling, new methodologies for schedule application, brand new technology tools, and enterprise-level project coordination, all playing a significant role.

In this session, Kris Stenson and Jenny Mundy from the Oregon State Archives will walk through the process they have followed with each agency from start to finish. They will also discuss the benefits of records managers conducting technology testing and the lessons learned thus far from working with state agencies representing a wide range of FTE count, technological aptitude, and internal cultures. Attendees may note that this is a follow-up to a 2022 NAGARA Annual Conference session which focused on the background and planning for the project.

All government entities are grappling with the challenges related to high-volume electronic records, particularly communications such as email and direct messaging. This session presents practical lessons and how-tos for an application suite used by a majority of government. Attendees will walk away with methodology and guidance that can be immediately adapted for use within their own environments, with lessons learned from our own delays and missteps along the way.

GARA CERTIFICATE CORE COMPETENCY AREAS: "Retention and Disposition" OR "Digital Repository Management"

: Federal, State/Tribal, Local, Public Institutions of Higher Learning

FOCUS AREAS: Records Management, Technology/Tools

PRESENTERS: Kristopher Stenson, State Records Manager, Oregon State Archives | Jenny Mundy, Senior Records Management Analyst, Oregon State Archives