AC24 | Session 03

"Bringing Diversity to Records Management and Archives Staffing"


OVERVIEW: Hiring for Records Management and Archives can be difficult. Let’s face it: Records Management and Archives alone can be difficult. But should hiring really be that difficult? No. There is a world of people out there, really a world of people. The historical reliance on specific degrees in our field has created barriers to entry for talented individuals from diverse backgrounds, limiting the potential for a truly inclusive and representative records management and archival workforce. This session will delve into the critical issue of overreliance on degrees as the primary gatekeeper for professional opportunities. Ranging from individuals without college degrees, individuals with the “wrong” degrees, and adults with disabilities, the session will explore alternative approaches to talent identification and qualification. 

This session will:

  • Examine the current landscape: Analyze data and case studies to understand the extent to which specific degrees limit diversity in our field.
  • Challenge assumptions: Discuss the inherent biases and limitations of traditional credentialing systems, particularly in relation to DEI goals.
  • Explore alternative pathways: Showcase innovative models and best practices for assessing skills and knowledge beyond formal degrees, including:
    • Prior experience and expertise: Recognizing and valuing professional experience gained outside of academic settings.
    • Portfolio-based assessments: Demonstrating skills and knowledge through practical projects and accomplishments.
    • Community-based knowledge and lived experiences: Acknowledging the valuable insights and perspectives brought by individuals from diverse backgrounds.

This session will help attendees by showing the Records and Archive Administrators the endless possibilities for employment and staffing at their Record Centers and or Archives! The session will spark a necessary conversation about diversifying the talent pool in records management and archiving. By moving beyond the limitations of traditional credentials, we can create a more equitable and dynamic field that benefits from the full spectrum of skills, perspectives, and experiences.

GARA CERTIFICATE CORE COMPETENCY AREA: "Training, Advocacy and Outreach"

: Federal, State/Tribal, Local

FOCUS AREAS: Archives, Records Management

PRESENTERS: Lucretia Frame, Records Manager, Muskingum County Records Center | John Lyles, Chief Archivist, United States Marine Corps History Division