AC24 | Session 08

"Other Duties as Assigned: Archives and Records Management in a DIY Environment"


OVERVIEW: We are all familiar with the ominous phrase “other duties as assigned” tacked on to the end of a job description. But what does that look like in practice in the archives and records management world? In this session, we will look at the incidental, unconventional, unexpected “duties as assigned” that we have taken on in the New Orleans City Archives & Special Collections. Special attention is given to the DIY nature of operating a municipal archives in a city with no formal records management program, as a department of a 125-year-old public library system.  Learn with us, laugh with us, and pick up some tips and tricks for an adaptive workflow to tackle those unique projects in your own institution.

Municipal archives are notoriously underfunded and understaffed. This presentation offers some first hand experiences of navigating archives and records projects with an adaptive workflow and a bit of a DIY attitude.

GARA CERTIFICATE CORE COMPETENCY AREAS: "Program Establishment and Administration" OR "Training, Advocacy and Outreach"

: Local

FOCUS AREAS: Archives, Records Management

PRESENTERS: Brittanny Silva, Librarian II, New Orleans City Archives & Special Collections | Christina Bryant, Director, New Orleans City Archives & Special Collections