AC24 | Session 09

"Exploring New, More Efficient Ways to Transfer, Preserve, and Publish Your Public Records"


OVERVIEW: With the expected uptick in records requests and the need for extra transparency in election year it’s never been more important to ensure government agency, archives and records teams have efficient, standardized and secure processes for transferring, preserving and publishing long-term and permanent public records.

Over the last few years, the landscape of software and technology used across government has changed significantly, most notably the adoption of Microsoft 365 and the migration of legacy content into Microsoft SharePoint. At the same time records transfer and digital preservation technologies have also rapidly advanced to provide new faster and more automated options for the transfer, preservation and publishing of government records.

This session will use case study examples to explore new solutions that enable government agency, archives and records teams to more efficiently handle the transfer and long-term accessibility of records.

In particular, the session will cover how to:

Automate digital records preservation to align with state (or national) policies
Standardize the transfer of records from 100s of departments and agencies
Ensure adherence to metadata standards for records transfers
Securely transfer and digitally preserve records in Microsoft 365
Publish public records for citizen self-service – as part of single workflow
Rapidly transfer very large (100s of TBs) of records backlog

GARA CERTIFICATE CORE COMPETENCY AREAS: "Digital Repository Management" OR "Archives and Long-term Preservation"

: Mike Davis, Sr. Solutions Architect, North America, Preservica, and Ashely Large, Town Archivist and Records Manager, Town of Bedford, NH