AC24 | Session 15

"The Archivist Awakens: Digitizing Sagas from the Marine Corps Archives - From Betamax to Warp-Speed Cassette Chronicles!"


OVERVIEW: This session will discuss the Marine Corps History Division Archives Branch’s ongoing digitization process for over 30,000 oral histories and 6,000 paper and photographic collections. We will look at the challenges of digitizing a variety of formats from various generations including reel-to-reel, U-Matics, VHS, DVCPro, CD, DVD, Betamax, cassette tapes, film, paper, scrapbooks, photographs, large scaled maps and much more. In addition, we will review our current process of advanced digitization techniques providing an overview of the use of our planetary scanner, digital Transitions Phase One Atom, and Titan. The Archives Branch is undertaking this monumental effort to digitize this invaluable part of Marine Corps History. This session will be a comprehensive look into our digitization process from our strategies employed, challenges and solutions to preserve and make accessible the rich history encapsulated in these collections.

Tentative session agenda:

  • Brief introduction to the Marine Corps History Division Archives Branch’s collections, mission, and discussing our goals to digitize our collections.
  • Highlight the diverse formats, including reel-to-reels, U-Matic, VHS, DVCPro, CD, DVD, Betamax, cassette tapes, film, etc. of our 30,000 plus oral histories and over 6,000 collections of large scaled maps, photographs, scrapbooks, journals, paper, and more.
  • Digitization Process and Challenges: Discuss our steps for our digitization process, including the tools and software employed for both audio and video formats and discuss the challenges faced in digitizing such a vast and varied collection of legacy formats, file formatting, metadata, and file structure. This will include discussion of software the Archives Branch currently uses for audio and video digitization and challenges faced from previously digitized materials that are corrupt, improperly digitized, or damaged.
  • Digital Storage Solutions: Address the complexities of managing the digital objects and share Archives Branch’s issues of selecting storage systems, IT hurdles, and ongoing efforts to ensure long-term accessibility, preservation, and back-ups of digital objects. Share experiences and short-term solutions related to the massive digital storage requirements associated with large scale digitization e.g., cloud storage, network storage, external storage.

This session is ideal for archivists, digital preservationists, and professionals dealing with digitization projects. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the complexities of managing extensive digital collections, the equipment, software availability, and effective strategies for overcoming digital storage challenges.

NAGARA’s membership stands to benefit significantly from this session, as it offers a unique opportunity to glean insights and expertise in large-scale digitization and archival management. Members will learn about techniques and tools used in the digitization of historical records, including equipment and software that is available to everyone. The gain of practical knowledge on managing and digitizing a diverse range of formats, from reel-to-reels to Betamax, and addressing common challenges faced in dealing with varied archival materials and legacy equipment. Exploring the world of advanced digitization techniques, such as the use of a planetary scanner for large collections. Discussion and practices for metadata entry and file structure to ensure all digital objects are searchable and can be easily located. Members will walk away with summarized best practices, offering solutions for dealing with digitization challenges and managing digital objects on a large scale. In essence, the session promises members an enriching experience, equipping them with knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of digitization and preservation in the ever-evolving landscape. It aligns with NAGARA’s mission to promote excellence in the management and preservation of governmental records and archives.


: Federal, State/Tribal, Local, Public Institutions of Higher Learning

FOCUS AREAS: Archives, Records Management, Technology/Tools

PRESENTER: Dr. Tyler Reed, Archives Specialist, Marine Corps History Division Archives Branch