AC24 | Session 16

"Human Services Records: Digitization and Destruction"


OVERVIEW: Denver Human Services is responsible for maintaining millions of files for a wide variety of internal and external customers. DHS manages client files for government assistance programs, Child Welfare, Adult Protection, Child Support, among many others. In 2023 we found ourselves at a fork in the road, specifically with our Government Assistance files. They were hybrid of digital and physical, existing in numerous locations. Majority of these files were proving to be a liability to the department and providing no true value to clients. Records were not being purged on a consistent basis, and the process for Purging was cumbersome. Following a burst pipe in our file room, we were tasked by Executive Management to streamline purge efforts.  We were asked to destroy a significantly larger volume of records than previously tackled. Presentation will include where we started, our filing structure, issues with plumbing, resource challenges faced along the way, and how we will model future purge efforts.

This session offers a framework that other agencies can scale and use to conduct their own destruction efforts. Because of the size of the DHS project, we believe this session will be beneficial to a larger audience. Records staff can learn from our setbacks and build on our successes. This session offers motivation to creatively leverage the resources available to you.

GARA CERTIFICATE CORE COMPETENCY AREAS: "Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity" OR "Retention and Disposition"

: State/Tribal, Local

FOCUS AREAS: Records Management

PRESENTERS: Tessa Li Clark, Records Manager, Denver Human Services, City and County of Denver | Micaela Villarreal, Document Management Supervisor, Denver Human Services, City and County of Denver | Aziel Sandoval Rivera, Document Management Technician Lead, Denver Human Services, City and County of Denver