AC24 | Session 17

"Emergency Preparedness for Archivists and Records Managers"


OVERVIEW: In this session, we will delve into the critical realm of Emergency Preparedness. With hands-on experience from FEMA, the presenter will aim to provide a comprehensive approach to Emergency Preparedness for both Archivists and Records Managers. This session will cover an array of preparedness topics including the identification and safeguarding of essential records, assembling a robust preparedness toolkit, and integrating continuity planning into a records schedule. The presenter will also discuss how to leverage risk management techniques to mitigate potential threats to your collections and workplace and share ideas for planning exercises that test the readiness of your workplace. This presentation will also provide guidance on effectively advocating for readiness within your organization and communicating the significance of preparedness to all levels of employees. Walk away armed with valuable resources to enhance your preparedness and response efforts, creating a resilient framework for your organization. Emergency preparedness is a crucial step to protecting your workplace and ensuring the legacy of your collections.

This session is tailored to both archivists and records managers at any level of government or private sector. Join us in promoting preparedness strategies to ensure the legacy of our government and nation's historical collections!

This session will provide attendees with the knowledge and resources they need to ensure their organization is disaster ready. This session also aims to fulfill Core Competency #3 (Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity) for attendee's GARA Certificate.

GARA CERTIFICATE CORE COMPETENCY AREA: "Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity"

1 Credit in AK2

: Federal, State/Tribal, Local, Public Institutions of Higher Learning

FOCUS AREAS: Archives, Records Management

PRESENTER: Christine Zielinski, Records and Information Management Specialist, FEMA