AC24 | Session 20

"ICRM Certification Panel: Becoming a Certified Records Analyst/Manager"


OVERVIEW: This session will consist of a panel discussion with new and experienced Certified Records Managers and Certified Records Analysts who received their certification through the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM). Speakers will discuss their paths to the RIM Profession, their experience in taking the CRM/CRA exams, benefits to having their certification, advice on whether to pursue a CRM or CRA certification, and other advice for those with questions about the certification.

This session will provide attendees with general information as well as personal stories of the benefits of the ICRM certifications to careers. Additionally, it will provide connections to CRMs and CRAs who are also members of NAGARA. Attendees of this session will benefit from being able to ask in-depth questions about the process and will hear first-hand stories from panel speakers regarding their experiences.

GARA CERTIFICATE CORE COMPETENCY AREA: "Program Establishment and Administration"

: Federal, State/Tribal, Local, Public Institutions of Higher Learning

FOCUS AREAS: Records Management

PRESENTERS: Caroline Walters (Moderator), University Records Officer/Chairman of the Board, University of Virginia/ICRM | Pari Swift, University Records Manager, The Ohio State University | Rikki Chesley,  Director of Archives and Records Management, County of Franklin, PA | Angela Ossar, Records & Data Management Officer, The University of Texas System