AC24 | Session 21

"Integrating NARA’s File Format Risk Analysis, Mitigation, and Accessioning Tools into Archival Electronic Records Management"


OVERVIEW: The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is leading the government’s transition to electronic recordkeeping. In this Panel Discussion, members of NARA’s Agency Services Policy and Standards team, and Research Services Electronic Records Division will address NARA’s electronic records lifecycle management, and how products such as NARA’s Transfer Guidance and Digital Preservation Framework guide the creation, management, accessioning, and processing of permanent federal electronic records. The discussion will also highlight the Electronic Records Accessioning Support Tools GitHub repository that shares NARA developed open-source software to support the creation of essential  metadata and analysis of permanent electronic records. After the discussion, the audience will be invited to participate in an open conversation about assessing electronic records lifecycle risks, implementing feasible plans, and creating guidance that other archives can implement.

This session will benefit NAGARA’s membership by sharing NARA guidance, framework, and tools that address pressing concerns regarding electronic records management and digital preservation. By introducing these NARA produced guidance products and accessioning tools we will encourage archives and records  management programs to integrate these products into their operations to enhance the creation, management, and long-term preservation of electronic records.

GARA CERTIFICATE CORE COMPETENCY AREAS: "Digital Repository Management" OR "Archives and Long-term Preservation"

: Federal, State/Tribal

FOCUS AREAS: Archives, Records Management, Technology/Tools

PRESENTERS: Rebeccah Baker, Acting Director of Electronic Records Division, NARA | John Martinez, Supervisory Electronic Records Management Policy Analyst, NARA | Kevin De Vorsey, Electronic Records Management Policy Analyst, NARA