Annual Awards Luncheon & Keynote

The 2023 Annual Awards Luncheon & Keynote was is a special occasion where the association came together to celebrate excellence and acknowledge the exceptional achievements of its Annual Awards Program recipients. A delightful Tex Mex buffet lunch was served as NAGARA paid tribute to a remarkable group of individuals (more on each below).

But that was just the beginning! Following the award ceremony, attendees heard from our esteemed luncheon's keynote speaker, Eira Tansey, who delivered an inspiring and informative talk titled "The Archivist in Times of Emergency." We were honored to have Eira as one of our keynote speakers this year.

       Eira Tansey is an archivist, researcher, and consultant based in her hometown of Cincinnati/the Ohio River watershed. Eira is a leading expert on archives and climate change. She is the founder of Memory Rising, which provides research, consulting, and archival services with expertise in climate change, environmental and labor movements, and Ohio Valley regional history. She previously worked as an archivist at the University of Cincinnati and Tulane University. Eira currently serves on the Freedom of Information Act Advisory Committee, and previously served on the Society of American Archivists’ Committee on Public Policy, and Records Management Section. 


Annually, NAGARA recognizes leaders and innovators in the field of government archives and records management through its Annual Awards Program. This year, NAGARA is delighted to announce and recognize the following award recipients during the Annual Awards Luncheon:

~ Emerging Leader Award ~
Mikaela Meza
Records Center & Historic Archives
Chicago Transit Authority

NAGARA's Emerging Leader Award recognizes and encourages early-career archivists or records managers at the local, state, or federal level of government who have demonstrated significant promise of leadership, have completed archival/records management work of merit, and/or have performed commendable service to the archives/records management profession.
NAGARA's 2023 Emerging Leader completely exceeded our expectations in just a few short years by showcasing a fervent passion for government archives and records! One endorser stated very clearly "[Chicago Transit Authority’s official Historic Archive] would not be in place today without [this year's award recipient's] contributions". Based on the recommendations we've received, Mikaela Meza has shown professional expertise, originality, tenacity, excellent judgement, analytical skills, and change agent characteristics. Join us in congratulating Mikaela on her award and continued success! She's a beacon that encourages us to pursue our goals while raising the bar for the information management career field!

~ Bruce W. Dearstyne Distinguished Service Award ~
Galen R. Wilson, Retired
National Archives and Records Administration

The Bruce W. Dearstyne Distinguished Service Award is a career recognition award established to recognize NAGARA members who have made a significant contribution to promote and enhance the mission of NAGARA. This honor is intended to acknowledge, to the greatest possible extent, NAGARA’s appreciation, esteem, respect and regard. 
Galen Wilson was selected as the recipient for this year's award after 25 years of being a proactive leader of NAGARA. Galen has been a vocal force within the field of records and information management with over 40 years of service, as can be attested by the high praises of support from colleagues within federal, state, and local government. Even through Galen's recent retirement after 30 years at the National Archives and Records Administration, he continues to be an active leader of the organization as Chair of the Annual Conference Program Committee.

~ NAGARA Program Excellence Award ~
University of Virginia Records & Information Management Office

The NAGARA Program Excellence Award recognizes collaborative and innovative government archives and records management programs or initiatives. Recipients of this award demonstrate a commitment to creativity and partnering with people and groups outside of their own office.
This year's award goes to the University of Virginia Records & Information Management Office. Since its founding in 2009, the Office has become an established, well-connected member of the University of Virginia campus - as evidenced by the multiple letters of support they received from a variety of departments across campus. The team shows their dedication to their partners by working side-by-side with departments - often showing up in work clothes and ready to get dusty! These efforts, along with their education initiatives and innovative use of technologies, brought the UVA into compliance with the Virginia Public Records Act. Their strategies are a model for the NAGARA and broader information management community.