Call for Nominations: NAGARA Board of Directors

Serving on the NAGARA Board of Directors is a unique opportunity to shape the future of effective government records and information management at the national level. As a member of the board, you will have the chance to work with other leaders in the field and contribute to the strategic goals of the organization, which aims to promote good management of government archives and records programs for the benefit of government and citizens.

In addition to helping drive the decisions and direction of this rapidly growing and highly respected national association, board service also offers personal and professional growth opportunities, the chance to develop new skills, and the opportunity to make lasting connections with a team of motivated archives and records management professionals across the country.

To be considered for membership on the board, individuals must be active members of NAGARA who commit to our core values and mission, including our code of ethics and code of conduct. NAGARA is committed to fostering a respectful, equitable, accessible, diverse, and inclusive environment, and we encourage members of all backgrounds and life experiences to apply.

In 2024, NAGARA will be accepting nominations for five (5) open positions on the board, which will be filled through an open election to be held online in March. The winners of each position will take office at the Annual Business Meeting on Thursday, July 18, 2024 as part of the 2024 NAGARA Annual Conference which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia. More information about each of these open positions can be found below. Nominations are now being accepted through February 29, 2024.

 The NAGARA Board of Directors is composed of 13 individuals, including five officers (President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and eight directors (two federal government archives and/or records administrators; two state government archives and/or records administrators; two local government archives and/or records administrators; one at-large director who represents other institutions, members, and professional interests; and one Immediate Past President).

Submitting Nominations

Submitting a nomination is easy! Simply be prepared to provide NAGARA with the following information:

  1. Nominee's name and basic contact information (required);
  2. Nominee's demographic information (optional);
  3. The position for which the nominee wishes to run/apply;
  4. Confirmation of nominee's active membership within NAGARA;
  5. Confirmation of nominee's employment within the archives and/or records administration profession;
  6. A brief 200 word or less summary of why the nominated individual would make a great addition to the Board of Directors of a rapidly growing association (note: this summary will be made public on the ballot for all voting members to read); and
  7. Any past volunteer position(s) held by the Nominee (not required)

Deadline to submit nominations is Thursday, February 29, 2024

Vice President
(1-year term, one open position)

The Vice-President plays an important role in assisting in the conduct of the business of the organization. This is a one-year term position, which is part of a four-year Presidential track.

As the Vice-President, you will be responsible for attending Board Meetings, which occur virtually each month. You will also be expected to participate in Executive Committee meetings (when called for by the President), and to monitor and respond to ongoing association business and discussions conducted via Basecamp (NAGARA’s easy-to-learn virtual cloud-based project management system).

In the event that the President and President-Elect are absent, you will be responsible for presiding over Board Meetings or Business Meetings. Additionally, you will serve as the chair of the Nominating Committee during your first year of service, and chair of the Awards Committee the second year of service.

Overall, the Vice-President plays a critical role in the leadership and oversight of the organization. Your responsibilities will involve participating in decision-making processes, contributing to the direction of the organization, and representing the interests of members. 

Criteria for service includes:

  1. Two (2) years of consecutive membership in NAGARA;
  2. Prior service to the association in one form or another (committee service, etc.);
  3. Current employment within the archives or records administration profession.

(2-year term, one open position)

The Secretary is responsible for maintaining the official record of actions and decisions made by the Board of Directors Board. This is a two-year term position, with the option to serve two successive terms. 

As the Secretary, you will be responsible for attending monthly Board Meetings and recording comprehensive minutes encompassing motions, discussions, and outcomes. You will also be expected to participate in Executive Committee meetings (when called for by the President), and to monitor and respond to ongoing association business and discussions conducted via Basecamp (NAGARA’s easy-to-learn virtual cloud-based project management system).

 The Secretary retains record copies of votes, official minutes, and policy decisions, reporting a summary of online motions and votes at monthly Board meetings. Additionally, the Secretary ensures transparency of the association's actions

Criteria for service include:
  1. Two (2) years of consecutive membership in NAGARA;
  2. Current employment within the archives or records administration profession.

Federal Representative
(2-year term, one open position)

The purpose of a Board Member is to assist in conducting the business of the Association and to represent the interests of Federal members. This is a two-year term position, with the option to serve two successive terms.

As a Board Member, you will be responsible for attending Board Meetings, which occur virtually each month. You will also be expected to monitor and respond to ongoing association business and discussions conducted via Basecamp (NAGARA’s easy-to-learn virtual cloud-based project management system).

In addition to these general responsibilities, you will be assigned as a Board liaison to a committee. You will work with your assigned committee’s Chair to ensure open lines of communication exist between leadership and volunteers. As a Board Member, you will also be responsible for carrying out various assignments determined at Board Meetings or special assignments from the President.

Overall, the role of a Board Member is critical in the operation and oversight of the Association. You will play an important role in representing the interests of members and contributing to the decision-making process of the organization.

 Criteria for service include:

  1. Current membership in NAGARA
  2. Current employment within the archives or records administration profession at or within a Federal Government entity

State Representative
(2-year term, one open position)

The purpose of a Board Member is to assist in conducting the business of the Association and to represent the interests of State members. This is a two-year term position, with the option to serve two successive terms.

As a Board Member, you will be responsible for attending Board Meetings, which occur virtually each month. You will also be expected to monitor and respond to ongoing association business and discussions conducted via Basecamp (NAGARA’s easy-to-learn virtual cloud-based project management system).

In addition to these general responsibilities, you will be assigned as a Board liaison to a committee. You will work with your assigned committee’s Chair to ensure open lines of communication exist between leadership and volunteers. As a Board Member, you will also be responsible for carrying out various assignments determined at Board Meetings or special assignments from the President.

Overall, the role of a Board Member is critical in the operation and oversight of the Association. You will play an important role in representing the interests of members and contributing to the decision-making process of the organization.

 Criteria for service include:

  1. Current membership in NAGARA
  2. Current employment within the archives or records administration profession at or within a State-level government entity

Local Representative
(2-year term, one open position)

The purpose of a Board Member is to assist in conducting the business of the Association and to represent the interests of Local members. This is a two-year term position, with the option to serve two successive terms.

As a Board Member, you will be responsible for attending Board Meetings, which occur virtually each month. You will also be expected to monitor and respond to ongoing association business and discussions conducted via Basecamp (NAGARA’s easy-to-learn virtual cloud-based project management system).

In addition to these general responsibilities, you will be assigned as a Board liaison to a committee. You will work with your assigned committee’s Chair to ensure open lines of communication exist between leadership and volunteers. As a Board Member, you will also be responsible for carrying out various assignments determined at Board Meetings or special assignments from the President.

Overall, the role of a Board Member is critical in the operation and oversight of the Association. You will play an important role in representing the interests of members and contributing to the decision-making process of the organization.

 Criteria for service include:

  1. Current membership in NAGARA
  2. Current employment within the archives or records administration profession at or within a local government entity