SESSION 3: "Managing Records in Microsoft 365: A Federal Perspective"

OVERVIEW: Many organizations have moved or are in the process of moving to Microsoft Office 365. Once there, they aren’t sure if the records management functionality is sufficient to meet their statutory, regulatory, and policy requirements. This Forum session features two Federal agencies in different stages of implementing Microsoft 365. They address what to do in the beginning stage, how to work with multiple teams inside an organization, and how to work with Microsoft.

 Objectives of this session include:

  •  Understanding where records are created in Microsoft 365 
  •  Gaining awareness of the steps necessary for planning to move to Microsoft 365, and
  • Learning from Federal agency lessons learned from implementing Microsoft 365

GARA CORE COMPETENCY: "Advocacy and Outreach" OR "Electronic Records and Information Management" OR "Legal and Compliance Issues"

 SPEAKERS: Patty Davis, Assistant Director, Senior Leadership Officers Records Program, Justice Management Division Records Manager, United States Department of Justice, AND Erin Cayce, Assistant Records Program Manager, Federal Reserve Board of Governors

 DURATION: 60 Minutes