Prepared by the NAGARA Strategic Planning Committee, 2022 – 2023
Implemented July 17, 2023, to be reviewed January 1, 2026

Executive Summary

The NAGARA strategic plan is intended to guide the work of the association. Broad objectives based on the mission, values, and current issues facing a growing membership organization are included as a foundation for future initiatives. When this plan was developed NAGARA was reporting the highest level of membership to date, carrying a financial surplus, and received overwhelmingly positive feedback on the welcoming and inclusive community NAGARA has and the quality and accessibility of professional development programming.

The objectives in this plan are targeted at maintaining a culture of inclusivity and continuing to provide excellent service to association members. This plan requires annual evaluation and submission of operational initiatives.

Overview of NAGARA

The National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA) was founded in 1974 as the National Association of State Archives and Records Administrators (NASARA), with the aim of promoting awareness and understanding of state archival and records management programs, developing and improving professional standards, and encouraging study and research. In 1984, NASARA evolved into NAGARA to include all levels of government – local, state, and federal. NAGARA's membership model included both institutional and individual membership categories. While initially, state archivists dominated NAGARA's leadership, the association has since had leaders from federal and local government archives and records administrators. NAGARA's Board of Directors includes representatives from all three levels of government and one "at-large" director representing other institutions or individual members.

Mission Statement

NAGARA's mission is to support and champion the government archives and records administration profession. The Association is dedicated to improving government records and information management programs, and the professional development of government records administrators and archivists.

Our Vision

NAGARA’s vision is to be the preeminent professional association of government archivists and records and information professionals.

NAGARA’s Core Values

NAGARA is committed to:
  • Ensuring authenticity, integrity, and trustworthiness in the creation, distribution, use and storage of records regardless of format;
  • Encouraging appropriate preservation, protection, and retention and disposition of both archival and non-permanent records;
  • Promoting best practices and principles for access, accountability and transparency in public recordkeeping;
  • Advocating for, among other issues, sustainability and accessibility in both archival and non-permanent public records programs; and
  • Fostering education for professionals and maturity for programs in these practices and principles; 
  • Supporting equitable accessibility to resources, increasing diversity among association members and Board of Directors, and ensuring inclusivity in association activities.

Strategic Analysis

The 2022-2023 planning process was led by a Strategic Planning Committee made up of volunteers from the Board of Directors and the Executive Director. The Committee solicited feedback about the current state of the organization through multiple channels. This included a SWOT analysis completed by volunteers, 3 listening sessions with membership, and an all-member survey formed from questions contributed by NAGARA’s committees. The feedback from each of these channels was analyzed by the board and contributed to the Strategic Objectives listed in this plan.

Strategic Objectives

NAGARA will pursue five strategic objectives to ensure our organization is providing the best value to members and achieving the mission of the association - improving government archives and records administration programs. These objectives are the foundation for annual initiatives developed by NAGARA volunteers serving on the Board of Directors or committees of the association. Each year following the Annual Conference, the Board of Directors will review and approve annual operational initiatives using a dedicated form and budget impact proposal. Initiatives of single or multiple years will be considered. Scoring is completed using a metric to ensure the goal(s) of the initiative are aligned with these strategic objectives.  Initiatives not taken up will be returned to the submitting member with guidance to resubmit the following year.

Maintain High Level of Educational Content

NAGARA is committed to providing exceptional professional development opportunities as a benefit to the membership of NAGARA. Professional development offerings will feature experts in the field and peer case studies focused on resources and tools supporting all aspects of work performed by NAGARA members including the core competencies as outlined in the Government Archives and Records Administration (GARA) certificate as well as content relating to accessibility, equity, and inclusivity.

Advocate for the work of Government Archives and Records Managers

As the largest professional membership association for government archives, records and information professionals, NAGARA has a strong dedication to advocating for the work of government archives and records management programs, and more broadly for the profession.

Foster a Diverse and Engaged Community

NAGARA is a service association, providing a venue for professional networking, discourse, and fellowship. Strong membership is a key element of the association’s mission, and a diverse membership that includes professionals with different backgrounds and experience makes engagement more meaningful and impactful.

Cultivate Financial Sustainability

To carry the association into the future, NAGARA must maintain financial sustainability. Cultivating sound investment planning and policy while forecasting future needs will ensure NAGARA members continue to receive high quality member benefits at a reasonable price.

Sustain Efficient Organizational Operations

NAGARA’s membership has grown exponentially in the past 5 years, and its organizational structure and procedures must adapt and grow with it. NAGARA staff and volunteers will work to support this goal with an eye towards future needs and efficient business best practices.